Motherboard issues

Motherboard issues

The issue we’ll be talking about today is Printer mainboard. This specific problem causes your printer to fail to turn on when you tell it to. This could be caused by several things, including a burned-out power supply or motherboard. Today we will be focusing on the latter.
A good indicator that the motherboard is the issue is a burning smell when trying to turn it on. We will have to remove the scanner, which you can learn how to do from this video. There will be a screw above and a screw below the power supply. Remove both of these to take the power supply off. You should see a white cable and a black cable and a white cable with black wires. Both of these cables should have the blue side facing left. You’ll also see two screws on the top side of the board.
Remove those and unplug the small cable on the bottom. Once that’s done, the board should slide right out. The square chip on the back is what you’re paying money for. Fortunately, most of these malfunctioning chips are cheap enough to replace.